Bored with weekend drag shows hosted by the Seattle gay community, a group of adventurous lesbians plans a series of erotic escapades. The women create five role-playing "away games" to be held at various locations. Armed with scripts, wardrobes, and a thirst for fun, the group travels to a Wild West gold town, a tropical island, a frozen army base, a pirate ship, and a high mountain hunting lodge to test physical strength and inner strength.
As the women take on their temporary identities, competing with each other for awards (and each other), they find themselves in increasingly intense relationships.
Appeal to Lesbian
& Female Readers
* The material is activity based with multi-sport activities described to the reader, encouraging existing lesbian sporting interests.
* Relationships and interludes in the book are 'spicy' and depict sensual versus mechanical sexual encounters.
* The reader is introduced to a form of guided fantasy, through the activities of the book's characters, making the experience feel personal, fun and entertaining.
* The book uses humor throughout the story to engage readers in each of the 'games' and to humanize the characters and give them depth.
*Relationship tension involving passion, desire and jealousy enhance the plot creating unexpected incidents that hold the reader's interest.